Commercial Phase: Overview

The purpose of the Commercial phase of a project is to allow the project team to determine the initial goals, scope and structure of the project.

Tasks and Artifacts

Tasks Req’d Role Responsible


Project Management


Project Management

Security Analysis



Preliminary Schedule Development

  • Rough Draft of Scope

  • Rough Draft of Schedule


Project Management

User Department Observation


Product Management

Measurements Development


Project Management

Artifacts Req’d Role Responsible

Project Plan


Project Management

Questions to Answer

  • Have you identified team members for each role of the team?

  • Does the team include appropriate customer representation, with the needed authority to make decisions about features, priorities, and resources?

  • Does the team have adequate Information Services representation that can ensure a smooth implementation, * training, and ongoing maintenance of the product?

  • Have you identified the major features that will be included on this project?

  • Have you identified the major risks associated with this project, along with mitigation strategies for those risks?

  • Have you developed a high-level schedule for all phases of the project?

  • Do the developers on the project have an adequate understanding of the business domain?

  • Does the team have an understanding of the sensitivity of the data that will be handled through the system?

  • Does the team know what measurements you are going to track throughout the project?


Project Scope and Vision Approved

The Commercial phase is complete when the entire team and stakeholders have come to an agreement regarding the scope and structure of the project.