Commercial Phase: Artifacts
Project Plan
The Project Plan combines the three main documents that must be completed for the Envisioning Phase. These documents are: The Vision Document, the Project Structure Document, and the Master Risk Assessment Document. The following is a description of the components of The Project Plan. The official version of this document should be signed by the project team and stakeholders. The signed copy of the document should be provided to the IS Administration Office for filing.
Vision - Documents the description of the project’s deliverable as the solution to the stated need.
Need - Why is this project needed? What is the problem definition?
Goals and Objectives - What are the broad goals and objectives for the project?
Feasibility - Has this project been determined as feasible for the University to complete?
Constraints/Assumptions - What are the project assumptions and constraints?
Scope Statement - What are the boundaries for the project? What is in and what is out?
Schedule/Timeframe - What is the high level estimate for the timeframe of the project?
Broad Design Considerations
Measurable Goals - What are the team’s measures of success for the project?
Team Organization - Who is the project team and what are their roles? See Team Formation for a description of the team roles.
Staffing Management Plan - Documents the required human resources and their approximate contribution time for the project.
Stakeholders - Who are the stakeholders?
Email List - Documents the memebers of the project team and the email distribution list that was created for the project.
Meeting Schedule - Documents when the team will meet and who is required to attend the meetings.
Reporting Plan - Documents the various reports and items that must be communicated to keep the team and stakeholders thoroughly informed of the status of the project.
How will change requests be handled?
How will changes be tracked?
Quality Assurance Plan (optional) - The process to evaluate the project’s performance to ensure that the project will perform within quality standards.